We had a great day. Wes and I took the kids to see ICE AGE..dawn of the dinosaurs, it was a lot of fun. After that we went to visit uncle Zacky, he was house sitting and invited us to come over for some swimming and a BBQ. We couldn't resist.
We bought some fire works...thank you Vegas for being firework friendly...and let the kids light them off. It was a blast....
we were stuffed,cooled off and happy.
Hannah had a blast doing the sparklers. Justyn had a blast lighting the big daddy fire works off. In fact he wanted to stop and buy some more on the way home....so we did. They were getting ready to close up shop and the lady didn't want to inventory the rest so she gave justyn a huge bag of fire works just so she didnt have to put them away...woohoo.
So lady like
Hannah with extra insurance so she doesnt drown, not my doing it was all her
Wes and Uncle Zack